20231201_1 (Dancer)
20241101_3 (Third in Diptych)
20241101_2 (Elbow)
20241103_1 (Reach)
Unfinished Rhapsody
Chanel as a’Razorgirl’ I
Figure II
Miriam in black chiffon on white marble
Truth coming out of her well
She lay like soft music over the landscape of collapse.
Portrait (Analogue)
Spaceman in Tesseract (Kaleidoscope w Compassionate Eyes)
Spaceman (‘Planet Earth is Blue…’)
Untitled (Spaceman)
We Dance in Wittgenstein’s Scaffolding
Impressions Jozi City (People Left)
Two Callynes
Mortality Portrait (w. John and Arnis)
Nocturn, with burnt asphalt
Emergence I (Kayla)
“It’s difficult sometimes …
(Study for) Load Shedding
Horizontal (1)
Apple and Cherries for Paint Week
Child of finite
G reclining
A soul chain
Figure Study (IMG_1098_ec_labcrossback)
Lezane (LAB negative)
Arbitrary Figure
A binary polarity is an infinite spectrum
Trees before Tower
Leaf XII
Untitled (Last 6 of 12 for Leaf XII)
Circum-navigating Ponte tower.
A Modern Reprise
City Boundary (Johannesburg Skin)
5th Street Sidewalk, Sandton
Leaf 5.2 Natural
Leaf 5.2 Slate Blue
Quantum (Blanket City)
Built Environment Centre (BEC) Commission
Night Sequence (Grayston)
Above Below Against
Pip (Liesl Magdelaine Venter)
Just outside JHB
A Luring City
Load-bearing Landscape #1
Accompanying Sky 01
Pablo Picasso
Intimacy & Transience III (Fiver and Stuart)
Intimacy & Transience II
Intimacy & Transience I
Not a Waste
Another passage
Crossing a bridge (Glencairn vlei/wetlands)
Looking back (Simon’s Town Road, From Glencairn to Fish Hook)
Unsigned David krut Untitled Series II : Unsigned David Krut
Reflexive Recursions IV : Frikkie Eksteen Back-office Portraits IV : Frikkie Eksteen
Bridge (Phase 6) Bridge (Phase 6 – Sheep may safely graze)
Composers V : Twentieth Century Classical Composers V : Twentieth Century Classical
Composers IV : Romantic Composers IV : Romantic
Composers III : Classical Composers III : Classical
Composers I : Renaisance Composers I: Renaissance
Composers II : Baroque Composers II : Baroque
Faiding Lines of My Mothers
Urban Edge #3
Mnemosyne by André S Clements Mnemosyne
Can leave shoes at the door, but not your feet by André S Clements Can leave shoes at the door, but not your feet
State of Head by André S Clements State of Head
South African Landscape #2 (with sticks and stones) by André S Clements South African Landscape #2 (With Sticks and Stones)
Back-office Portraits III : Diane Victor
Freedom Stalls by André Clements Freedom Stalls
Grayston & Katherine
A Joburg Skyline
Part of a Joburg Skyline
Untitled (photograph of Joburg)
The People
Reflexive Recursions II : Wayne Barker at Alexandra Ross Back-office Portraits II : Wayne Barker at Alexandra Ross
Narrative Ends (Johannesburg Theatre)
Yeoville (Pedestrian Shelter)
Around Church Square (Oom Paul)
Rissik St (Past Post Office)
Morristown (c.1890 Malvern)
Modern Truth (Approximate)
Exchange (Johannesburg)
Civilian Descent
Andrews Road (London)
Twombly Drive-by
Sunday-night Madonna
Reflexive Recursions I : Minnette Vari Back-office Portraits I : Minnette Vari
Lombart P
Café Riche, Pretoria
Rockey Street II by André S Clements Yeoville
Post Roma Contemporanea Post Roma Contemporanea
Leaf II Leaf II
Jimmy Jimmy
His and Hers by André Clements His and Hers
Maureen by Andre S Clements Maureen
Resolution Gallery
Newtown Discovery Centre by Andre S Clements Discovery
Tiger Tiger, Melrose Arch by Andre Clements Tiger Tiger
MelroseArch Sidewalk by Andre Clements Melrose Arch Sidewalk
Bafana Team Portrait by André S Clements Bafana Composit Team Portrait
Yes, we have a soul, by André Clements Yes, we have a soul, but it’s made of lots of tiny robots
For the Love of the Game by Andre S Clements For the Love of the Game
a Pearl Earring a Pearl Earring
Medupi Night Medupi Night
Julius Malema as Jean-Paul Marat
Relic I Relic I
Mall Composure Mall Composure
Anastasya Eliseeva Anastasya Eliseeva
Lilith Lilith
Cheribium Cheribium
The Honourable Minister Xingwana The Honourable Minister Xingwana serving Olympia
Body Language (of Emmanuel Radnitzky) Body Language (of Emmanuel Radnitzky)
Charisma Charisma
Pieza Principal (from Las Meninas) Pieza Principal
Pictures in a modern style Pictures in a Modern Style
Congregation Congregation
Deaconry Deaconry
The Temple The Temple
5th Avenue NY 5th Avenue NY II
Untitled Kentridge by Andre Clements Untitled Kentridge
Self Portrait by Andre S Clements Self Portrait
Rockey Street by Andre Clements Rockey Street
Neo (Portrait of a Learner) Neo
Rhinoceros (Camouflage and Captivity) Rhinoceros
A Little Like Music A Little Like Music
Alexandra Alexandra
D.Embrace Divine Embrace